Portfolio - User documentation

Important Note

This section of my website portfolio contains samples of user documentation I’ve written. Click here to see examples of API documentation.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my writing! I am adding new writing samples to this page frequently. Please check back often if you want to see more of my work!

Lilypond for Beginners

image of text input and sheet music output

Check out my beginner’s guide to getting started with Lilypond! Lilypond is a free and open-source music engraving software. It is very different from traditional notation programs such as Finale and Sibelius in that the user inputs text rather than manipulates the GUI.

Lilypond for beginners

Tutorial - Creating a README for your GitHub profile

image of github readme

Did you know that you can create a README.md for your GitHub profile page? To learn how, check out my tutorial:

GitHub profile README tutorial

How to add files to your GitHub repository

I made a quick how-to doc on the three ways to add files to a GitHub repo.

How to add files to your GitHub repo